Meet the Team
Baby Daddy to 77% of the herd
Likes: “helping” with any task that involves a tool with a handle
Dislike: anyone messing with his One True Love: Pepper
Official Herd Matriarch; mother to Inara, Peck and Piper
Dislikes: anyone messing with her kid
Fun Fact: Pepper only has one kid at a time, and she is a total helicopter mom
Pepper’s last kid
Likes: car rides
Fun Fact: survived a compound leg break at 4 weeks old
Mom of Charlie (RIP), Dora & Ferdinand, Ingrid, Georgia & Audrey
Likes: spending time with her kids
Fun Fact: she’s one of those “cool moms”
Twin brother of Dora
Likes: being an uncle, his best friend Peck
Fun Fact: still taunts Peck’s mom because he can
Twin sister of Audrey
Likes: being named after Jennifer’s grandfather
Fun Fact: was named George for the first 6 weeks of her life, until we attempted to neuter her (oops)
Twin sister to Ramon
Fun Fact: has a serious flair for drama
Little bea
Younger Sister of Wanda
Likes: hanging out on the couch
Fun Fact: spent 4 months living in the house due to her birth mom’s unfortunate parenting choices
Soft-spoken. Understated. Totally Handsome
Dislikes: people who make fun of his voice
Fun Fact: his mom never liked his best friend Ferdinand
Twin sister of Ferdinand; mom to Lola and Ramon
Likes: exploring
Fun Fact: screams bloody murder if she can’t find her brother
Twin sister of Georgia
Likes: being the baby of the herd
Fun Fact: she’s much smaller than her twin due to serious illness at 6 months of age
Twin brother to Lola
Mom to Winnie, Babs, Monty and Lucia
Likes: palling around with her very best good friend Nico
Fun Fact: also known as The Golden Goat due to the bidding war over her at the 4-H auction. (We won!)
Daughter of Carmel
Likes: hanging out with her mom